Covid-19 Announcement

COVID-19: Dentistry is considered an ESSENTIAL service and we are pleased to inform our patients that we will remain OPEN.

While many things have changed since the beginning of the pandemic, one thing has remained the same: Our commitment to your health and safety.

Infection control has always been a priority for our practice. Strict infection control processes are in place to ensure your health and safety. We continue to train our team to ensure that we are up-to-date on any new guidelines or processes that may be issued.

Even though many patients are vaccinated, we are required to follow these protocols:

Your Appointment:

-We will ask some screening questions before your appointment and you will be asked those same questions again when you are in the office.

-You will be asked to attend to our office wearing a face mask.

-When you arrive at your appointment time, please wait in your car and call the office. Screening questions will be asked again on the phone. You will be advised when you can enter the office.

-You will have your temperature taken upon entering the office. Any patient showing signs or having symptoms of illness will be asked to reschedule their appointment.

-Only scheduled patients will be allowed entry into the office.

-Parents and other family members will be asked to wait outside, whenever possible.

-We have hand sanitizer that we will ask you to use when you enter the office. There are additional dispensers around the office to use as needed.

-Our waiting room will no longer offer magazines or children’s toys as these items are difficult to fully disinfect.

-Appointments will be managed to allow for physical distancing between patients.

Your Treatment:

-All treatment rooms are completely separate from each other and have air purifiers with medical-grade, high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters maintaining clean

-Our dental team will be wearing personal protective equipment, including masks, face shields, gowns and gloves as required.

Rest assured, all of these procedures are designed to create the safest environment for you, other patients, and our team.

Thank you for your patience throughout these challenging times. We value your trust and look forward to seeing you soon!